Friday, November 29, 2019

Royal Family free essay sample

The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom. The term is also commonly applied to the same group of people who are the relations of the monarch in her or his role as sovereign of any of the other Commonwealth realms, thus sometimes at variance with official national terms for the family. Members of the Royal Family belong to, either by birth or marriage, the House of Windsor, since 1917, when George V changed the name of the royal house from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. This decision was primarily taken because Britain and her Empire were at war with Germany and given the British Royal Familys strong German ancestry; it was felt that its public image could be improved by choosing a more British house name. The new name chosen, Windsor, had absolutely no connection other than as the name of the castle which was and continues to be a royal residence. We will write a custom essay sample on Royal Family or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although in the United Kingdom there is no strict legal or formal definition of who is or is not a member of the Royal Family, and different lists will include different people, those carrying the style Her or His Majesty (HM), or Her or His Royal Highness (HRH) are always considered members, which usually results in the application of the term to the monarch, the consort of the monarch, the widowed consorts of previous monarchs, the children of the monarch and previous monarchs, the male-line grandchildren of the monarch and previous monarchs, and the spouses and the widows of a monarchs and previous monarchs sons and male-line grandsons. On 30 November 1917, King George V issued Letters Patent defining who are members of the Royal Family. The present royal house (ruling family) is the House of Windsor and Elizabeth II is descended from William I (1066–1097), and before that from Egbert, King of Wessex 802–39. The monarch or sovereign (king or queen) originally had sole power but over time the sovereign’s powers have been reduced and, though the present Queen is still head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, she acts on the advice of her ministers and Britain is in practice governed by Her Majesty’s Government. The Queen has some official duties, such as opening a new session of Parliament and giving royal assent to new laws, but her main role is as a representative of Britain and the British people. She is also head of the Commonwealth and works to strengthen links between member countries. Other members of the royal family also represent Britain, act as patrons of British cultural organizations and support the work of charities. Through most of the 20th century, the royal family were only seen on formal occasions and remained distant and dignified. United Kingdom is a monarchy which used the equal primogeniture in the succession to the throne. Equal Primogeniture is also known as Cognatic Primogeniture that gives the right to the firstborn child to inherit the entire estate. Cognatic primogeniture allows a female to succeed if she has no living brothers and no deceased brothers who left surviving legitimate descendents. In October 2011, Queen Elizabeth II change the law in which the firstborn child regardless of gender. In the absence of children, inheritance passed to collateral relatives, in order of seniority of their lines of descent.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Income Inequality Affects Minority Workers

How Income Inequality Affects Minority Workers It’s no secret that white households in the United States take in significantly more income than black and Latino households do, fueling racial inequality. What’s to blame for this discrepancy? It’s not just that whites work in higher paying jobs than their minority counterparts do. Even when whites and minorities both work in the same field- management, for instance- these income gaps don’t disappear. Women and people of color continue to bring home less than white men do because of the pervasiveness of income inequality. A vast amount of research indicates that minority workers are literally being shortchanged in their paychecks. The Effect of the Great Recession The Great Recession of 2007 had an adverse effect on all American workers. For African  American and Hispanic laborers in particular, the recession proved devastating. The racial wealth gap that existed before the economic downturn only widened. In a study called â€Å"State of Communities of Color in the U.S. Economy,† the Center for American Progress (CAP) pinpointed just how much minority employees suffered during the recession. The study found that blacks and Latinos brought in on average $674 and $549, respectively, per week. Meanwhile, whites earned $744 per week, and Asians earned $866 per week during the fourth quarter of 2011. Contributing to this pay gap is that higher numbers of African Americans and Hispanics than whites and Asians worked in jobs that paid minimum wage or less. The amount of black minimum wage workers rose by 16.6 percent from 2009 to 2011, and the number of Latino minimum wage workers rose by 15.8 percent, CAP found. On the other hand, the number of white minimum wage workers rose by just 5.2 percent. The amount of Asian minimum wage workers actually dropped by 15.4 percent. Occupational Segregation In February 2011, the Economic Policy Institute released a paper about racial disparities in income called â€Å"Whiter Jobs, Higher Wages.† The paper suggests that occupational segregation contributes to racial gaps in the pay scale. EPI found that â€Å"in occupations where black men are underrepresented, the average annual salary is $50,533; in occupations where black men are overrepresented, the average annual salary is $37,005, more than $13,000 less.† Black men are extremely underrepresented in â€Å"construction, extraction, and maintenance† jobs but overrepresented in the service sector. Turns out the former employment sector pays quite a bit more than the latter service sector. Disparities Remain When All Else Is Equal Even when African Americans work in prestigious fields, they earn less than whites. Black Enterprise magazine conducted a study which found that blacks with degrees in computer networking and telecommunications will likely earn $54,000, while their white peers can expect to take home $56,000. The gap widens among architects. African American architects average a salary of $55,000, but white architects average $65,000. African Americans with degrees in management information systems and statistics are especially shortchanged. While they typically earn $56,000, whites in the field earn $12,000 more. How Women of Color Are Shortchanged Because they suffer from both racial and gender barriers, women of color experience more income inequality than others. When President Barack Obama declared April 17, 2012, â€Å"National Equal Pay Day,† he discussed the wage discrimination that minority female workers specifically face. He remarked, â€Å"In 2010- 47 years after President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963- women who worked full-time earned only 77 percent of what their male counterparts did. The pay gap was even greater for African American and Latina women, with African American women earning 64 cents and Latina women earning 56 cents for every dollar earned by a Caucasian man.† Given that more women of color head households than white women do, these discrepancies in pay are truly worrisome. President Obama said that equal pay is not only a basic right but also a necessity for women who serve as the primary breadwinners in their homes. It’s not just women of color who suffer from wage discrimination, of course. The Economic Policy Institute found that in 2008, black men earned just 71 percent of what Caucasian men earned. While black men earned on average $14.90 per hour, whites earned $20.84 per hour.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Proposal Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Proposal Argument - Essay Example The family therapist acknowledges that there is a diversity of family forms, such as nuclear, extended, cohabitation and same-sex, to name a few. It is also acknowledged that the different forms a family each have inherent strengths and weaknesses. Hence, the family therapist emphasises interventions that facilitate individuals to form social couples and households, or family groups. It is the aim of the family therapist to assist with relational development within the couple or household, and to support the learning of new ways to problem-solve. As a human service worker professional, the family therapist does not discriminate on grounds of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religion or health status. To enable effective and efficient intervention, the family therapist needs to adhere to a theory that reflects their personal therapeutic philosophy. The social construction framework is useful to human service workers in the fields of family therapy and psychotherapy in that it allows practitioners to investigate and empower client’s creation of meaningful understandings of themselves and the wider world (Swann, 1999). The framework focuses on the key influences of sociocultural forces and the environmental context of human understanding, learning and accumulation of knowledge. Within family therapy this theory provides the therapist with a powerful ability to draw family members away from blaming each other for their behaviors, and placing these behaviors within a larger sociocultural context. For example, the Western values of independence, competition and profit contributing to the family to place pressure on their son to find gainful employment and to do better in life than what they have. In turn, the son has felt misunderstood, isolated and unable to achieve due to constant â€Å"failures† and has chosen to d rop out of society. Now living

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Souq waqif and Museum of islamic arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Souq waqif and Museum of islamic arts - Essay Example The museum of Islamic art is also another such building in Doha that employs traditional architecture, drawing its design from the Mosque of Ahmad ibn Tulun in Cairo. Traditional architecture is recognised today as a fortress of the past. With increased touristic activities, in Doha, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art among other buildings serve as tourist destinations because of their artistic structural designs (Brebbia 301). The traditional architectural designs in the Arab world signify their suitability in the local environment that has incorporated the idea of sustainability. The increasing contemporary architectural designs are blending with the traditional designs to reflect the Qataris Islamic identity. Many of the buildings in Qatari are shifting to the traditional architectural patterns and styles that combine both traditionism and modernism. The new buildings are reproducing Qatari’s traditional architectural elements and styles, such as the museum of Islamic art, and old ones such as Souq Waqif that are rebranding to have that traditional outlook. The museum sits on an area of approximately 64 acres of an artificial island in the Doha cornice and a walking distance from the famous Souq Waqif. It was constructed in 2008 and opened its doors to the public in the same year. The island was created at the request of Mr. Pei, who was tasked to come up with the architectural design, whose main aim was to make the building stand out such that future buildings would never encroach it (Boussaa 62). The idea of the museum of Islamic art came after a series of tours around the globe studying Islamic architecture. Mr. Pei visited many places from the grand mosque in Cordoba Spain and the great mosque of Damascus where he found that climate and culture are very vital in interpreting Islamic architecture, although none of those

Monday, November 18, 2019

I don't know Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I don't know - Essay Example â€Å"The Toxic Reef† portion of this side of the museum is rendered to serve public view an insight about the unfavorable effects of toxic wastes and the levels of toxicity that occur to induce stress on the underwater corals. Through certain architectural items mounted in the historic sites of the museum, it may be observed that such sculptures consist not only of the visual elements which artists had put to shape and form. Plant shelters like nests and moss-looking structures are embedded on the rigid pieces to serve the purpose of art and haven for birds and other small flying creatures that seek places of refuge. This beautiful scene is likely schemed to attract visitors not merely with the classic and modern concept of art but even with the sight of dynamic nature that goes well with it. A couple of fellow visitors have remarked about experiencing the sight and sound of lovely singing birds that seem to dwell in comfort among the architecturally built vast figures. In the conservation may also be found the â€Å"bee skep† which is said to be a conventional beehive patterned after the basic human invention of honeycomb made of an upside-down coiled basket. On the outside, the â€Å"bee skep† appears too plain for a viewer who would expect a more significant detail, but on actually getting real close to this exhibit, a specific unique smell lingers. At first, there emerges strange sense of odor in smelling the material from the inside but in a longer span such odor becomes interesting, as though an instant connection to understanding the habitat of bees is established. To this extent, a visitor realizes the essence of keeping the Indiana State Museum where, besides feasting on the delightful looks of human creations and versatile artistry, gaining of socio-environmental consciousness annexes cultural awareness. Consequently, the sentiment evolved for the pieces of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan CHAPTER 1 Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to your country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before (Larkins and Dan, 1998). Foreign direct investment can affect the countrys economy in different ways. It can affect the GDP rate, exchange rates and government policies in different ways; the effects of foreign direct investment at GDP are very significant. In many countries it constitutes at higher percentages of GDP rates. When foreign investment comes to the country it means that the business activity flourishes in the economy. There will be more production taken place and more goods and services produced by whether incorporated or unincorporated companies, or individual firm or it can be group related to enterprises but in any case there will be more provision of goods as heavy investments are taking places in form of foreign direct investment. GDP is actually refers to the production of more goods in compare to the last year results so a countrys GDP will surely increases by foreign direct investment. Total output of the economy will be increased which increases the GDP level (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and Da vid, 1991). 1.2 Problem Statement To identify the relationship between interbank exchange rate, real GDP and Dummy variable with foreign direct investment inflow in Pakistan. 1.3 Research Hypothesis: H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. 1.4 Outline of the study Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. There will be more job opportunities as in developing countries like Pakistan unemployment is a basic problem too which will be solved by the inflow of foreign direct investment. There will be not be only the employment of people but all factors will be employed if foreign investment will come. Many countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia are depending on this foreign direct investment and are moving towards the development quickly. Factor employments will create income generation and through the multiplier effects the round of spending will make the economy proper and developed. There are many nations who are poor and they cannot carry out some of the plans needed in their country like extracting of some natural resources which is very expensive and needs heavy machinery. Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. 1.5 Definitions Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment also comprises of multinationals which open there operating branches in your countries and perform their business operations like production of goods and services so in USA inflow from multinationals also helps in creating trading activities like surpluses can be exports to outside countries to earn good amounts of foreign exchange which will appreciate your currency. Foreign direct investment resulted in 30% of the jobs in the manufacturing sectors. Inward FDI also led to the capital flow in USA which means higher productivity and living standards (Jaffee, Dwight, and Thomas, 1996). India is the second largest destination of FDI after China. It is been stated by the surveys of UNCTAD that India has been facing massive growth through Transaction Corporation. The areas which has been strengthen through the inflow of foreign direct investments are, telecommunication, information technology and other major areas like chemicals, apparels, auto components, jewelry and pharmaceuticals. There are high investments from Mauritius mainly due to the routing international funds through the country giving significant capital gain tax advantages; as tax will be treated between India and Mauritius so double taxation will be avoided. On the other hand Mauritius is capital gain tax heaven so there will be zero tax in FDI channel (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and David, 1991). FDI inflows into India reached a record $19.5 billion in fiscal year 2006-07 (April–March), according to the governments Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. This was double of US $7.8bn in the previous year. In 2008 FDI was more than $35bn. Government of India has created many incentives for the investors. The areas which need more relaxations were civil aviation, construction development, industrial parks, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, credit-information services and mining. Due to the foreign direct investment the economy of India is getting prosperous, economic growth is coming into effect. The potential to be an economic superpower is going to depend on how the government can create incentives for FDI flow across a large number of sectors in India. FDI is also hitting the country of Morocco with its affects. It is ranked among 4rth in foreign direct investment ranking, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Other 72 projec ts were also been approved in 2008 as statistics have shown. FDI increases the job opportunities to 40,023 which were direct and stable. Morocco is making many steps in making it clear destination for foreign direct investment which is really good for its economy and its people overall. Though there was a decline in foreign investment of 29% in 2008 due to the economic downturn but after then it will raised up to the level where it gets god image. The major investors of Morocco are European Union with France (1.86bln), Spain (783mln). Arab countries also invest in Morocco. In terms of sectors, tourism has the biggest share of investment with $1.55bln, which is 33% of the total FDI, followed by the real estate sector and the industrial sector, with respectively $930mln and $374mln (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). The best thing which is hit by foreign direct investment is the opportunity for the citizen of host country that is of employment and skills development. Through investment by companies of abroad business activity taken place in the country, more goods will be demanded so there will be more need of factors of production so that the demand will be meeting up. For this purpose more people will be employed by those companies and in return people enjoy good wages and higher living standards. Secondly to make the product internationally acceptable and of great quality many training programs are also been conducted which enhance the skills of the employees and their efficiency level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant. Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training. FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative adv antages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase. If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does not generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Froot and Stein, 1991). Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industrializes encourage foreign direct investment (Campa and Goldberg, 1995). It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as the most important source of external. Apart from exchange rates and GDP level inflow of foreign direct investment also effects your democratic government; like how they reshape their policies and incentives. Like if you investors are investing in your country they also will need some of the free hands incentives which will more attract them to invest. For this purpose the government of host country will be reshaping their policies somehow like low corporate and income tax rates, tax holidays will be given to them, special economic zones will be created, export processing zone will be come into existence, financial subsidies, infrastructure subsidies, RD supports and many other things to relax them so that they will invest more (Rodriguez, 1998). Besides all these foreign direct investment will be having great impact on GDP level. Local output will increase as more production of gods will be taken place. More production means that your country is having more number of commodities ever than before so real output is increasing means GDP level. Increase in GDP will surely have good effects on your economy. Economic growth will come into effect. More employment will be there and factor payments will lead to the multiplier effects which means more and more income generation and economy will reaches to its equilibrium level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training (Huang and Walkling, 1997). FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative advantages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase (Itagaki, 2000). If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit. Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does nohat generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Craine, 1999). Economic growth may mean that we are using are scarce resources swiftly so that they can depleted. Oil, coal, metals other natural resources are in limited supply and can be run out if we use them so quickly. If they do run out then there can be no more capital goods, food supplies may diminish and the population of world may suffer but this can be control through conservation process. Conservation means that you saved up some amount of scarce resources for our future generation rather than consuming it all at once for present people so by it we can save for the upcoming people of the country (Klein and Rosengren, 1994). Foreign direct investment if comes in the country so that will be definitely mean that more and more factories will be opening in the host country or if it comes for the existing factories like extracting of some natural resources etc so that means expansion of those factories. More and more factories and business sites means that there is though more land is available to produce more goods and services but less for other activities like recreational activities or parks etc. these can also destroy the plants and animals. The solution to this problem is that government should restrict the areas where these factories can be located and only allow there to operate. Those areas should be keeping away from residential locations so that normal citizens should not get affected. Factories should be more on barren land and regions so that fertile lands and animals would not get affected too. Growth also comes with many benefits so government cannot stop it. The best thing in this situation go vernment tries to do is to achieve sustainable growth. Sustainable growth means that along with the foreign investment, which is coming into the country government should try to minimize the harmful effects and should maximize the benefits so that resources and further things can be secured for the upcoming generations too (Hartman, 1992). There are also some of the negative aspects of foreign direct investment. There are some issues which are related like operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel.economic backward section is always get effected of the host country when foreign direct investment is negatively affected. It is the responsibility of the host country to limit the effect of the foreign direct investment. They should make sure that countries which are making foreign direct investments should abide all the laws relating to environmental, governance and social regulations that are laid down country. However there can be some negative effects of economic growth too, means higher and higher GDP can affect your economy and people in it in a different manner too. There can be an opportunity cost of growth; economic growth may achieved by producing more capital goods but at the expense of less consumer goods like television, fashionable clothes etc but this can be in short run as in long run people will be enjoying more and more consumer goods and higher living standards due to the sustainable growth which has been achieved (Baldwin and Krugman, 1999). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD This chapter explains the methodology used for this research study. This study focused on finding the factors affecting inflows of foreign direct investment in Pakistan. A method is a tool that can help solve problem and research new knowledge. This chapter also gives the methods to evaluate validity and reliability of the research for the factors associated with direct investment in Pakistan. 3.1. Data used: This research was carried out through Secondary Data. 3.2. Method of data collection: Data of Foreign Direct Investment and Real GDP is collected through State Bank of Pakistan, website and from Economic Survey of Pakistan and Data for Interbank exchange rate was collected through different websites like and 3.3. Sample size: Sample data of last 39 years is to be taken. Data has been taken from the year 3.4. Statistical tool used: In order to measure the relationship between the To Identify the relationship between Interbank Exchange Rate, Real GDP, and Dummy variable with Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Regression is used as a statistical tool in this research. SPSS software is used to evaluate the relationship between the variables. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1. H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.1.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable set will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.1.2 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -4011.980 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.1.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co-linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.1.4 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -0.31 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.2. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.2.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.2.2 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is 4243.439 means that there is a positive relationship exists among the real GDP and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.2.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.2.4 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is -.438 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the real GDP and FDI therefore hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.3. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.3.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.3.2 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -17128.3 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/democratic government and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.3.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.3.4 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -.107 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/exchange rate and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion: There were number of positive and negative effects of this foreign direct investment. The positive effects of foreign direct investment are; the investment means that foreign currency is coming into Pakistan. Whenever any company may be multinational invested in this country in terms of direct investment it means that they invested their currency into the country. It increased the foreign exchange reserves which are good for host country as they can be used in payments of debts or any kind of imports etc. Secondly more goods and services have produced and which can be exported to outside countries; so more foreign exchange can be earns through it. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industria lizes encourage foreign direct investment. Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before. New technologies in shape of new capital equipments and software which can make factories totally automated will lower all the average costs and make it more efficient that it ever can be. Besides all of these sometimes local firms can also be squeeze out of the market due to the inferior equipment and much smaller resources than the large giants with foreign investments. This is the work of government that how they reshape their policies to bring in foreign direct investment into your favor and not letting down the overall economic conditions. Profits which may earn here can also be sent back to the base country rather than kept for the re investment in the host nations. Some multinationals also impose their cultures in the people of the host country. To avoid all this state should interfere with all the consumer protection laws, unfair competition, laws for employee protection, environment protection and also of location of industry. 5.2 Discussion and implication: Apart from these things when foreign investment comes into the country so then means that new opportunities could be created for many other firms too like they supply components and other things to the companies who are operating over here and has invested which will generate more employment and income for the citizens. Local firms can also be motivated to bring their quality up to the international standards as if they are supplying components to the multinationals. This thing will improve their productivity and it is good for the country so foreign direct investment is very beneficial. Foreign direct investment will bring in investments and hot inflow of money and capital along with the tax revenues for the government even after some exemptions. Companies or individuals who operate in your country after investment will pay some taxes to the government too. Government can re invest those revenues in other sectors for the welfare of the general public like in health or education sectors etc. 5.3 Future research: For future research, there are many advantages of high GDP rate like people can have more goods and services to consume; it will raise their living standards, secondly excess goods can be exported to outside countries so that foreign exchange can be earn through it. Higher GDP will give good image to the country in terms of many things; more and more foreign investors will come with their investments. People will be earning more so they can afford more other goods to purchase and secondly more incomes means more taxation for the government which it can spend on many other projects like schooling, health, defense, crime control etc. growth should result in improved standards of living in the country and higher profitability for the business. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow In Pakistan CHAPTER 1 Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to your country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before (Larkins and Dan, 1998). Foreign direct investment can affect the countrys economy in different ways. It can affect the GDP rate, exchange rates and government policies in different ways; the effects of foreign direct investment at GDP are very significant. In many countries it constitutes at higher percentages of GDP rates. When foreign investment comes to the country it means that the business activity flourishes in the economy. There will be more production taken place and more goods and services produced by whether incorporated or unincorporated companies, or individual firm or it can be group related to enterprises but in any case there will be more provision of goods as heavy investments are taking places in form of foreign direct investment. GDP is actually refers to the production of more goods in compare to the last year results so a countrys GDP will surely increases by foreign direct investment. Total output of the economy will be increased which increases the GDP level (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and Da vid, 1991). 1.2 Problem Statement To identify the relationship between interbank exchange rate, real GDP and Dummy variable with foreign direct investment inflow in Pakistan. 1.3 Research Hypothesis: H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. 1.4 Outline of the study Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. There will be more job opportunities as in developing countries like Pakistan unemployment is a basic problem too which will be solved by the inflow of foreign direct investment. There will be not be only the employment of people but all factors will be employed if foreign investment will come. Many countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia are depending on this foreign direct investment and are moving towards the development quickly. Factor employments will create income generation and through the multiplier effects the round of spending will make the economy proper and developed. There are many nations who are poor and they cannot carry out some of the plans needed in their country like extracting of some natural resources which is very expensive and needs heavy machinery. Foreign direct investment helps here those countries in carrying out their plans like Pakistan got assistance in running its steel mill operation etc. in this way foreign direct investment helps a lot third world countries. 1.5 Definitions Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Foreign direct investment refers to the amount of participation that inflows from country a to country b like in many developing countries it comes from developed countries or it can also come in developed country as net property income from abroad. Foreign direct investment can be positive or negative which then results to the inflow of direct investment. It does not include investments which are done on purchase of shares. Investments can be come from wealthy individuals, public or private companies, government bodies, group related enterprises etc (Herring and Richard Willett, 1999). Foreign investment also comprises of multinationals which open there operating branches in your countries and perform their business operations like production of goods and services so in USA inflow from multinationals also helps in creating trading activities like surpluses can be exports to outside countries to earn good amounts of foreign exchange which will appreciate your currency. Foreign direct investment resulted in 30% of the jobs in the manufacturing sectors. Inward FDI also led to the capital flow in USA which means higher productivity and living standards (Jaffee, Dwight, and Thomas, 1996). India is the second largest destination of FDI after China. It is been stated by the surveys of UNCTAD that India has been facing massive growth through Transaction Corporation. The areas which has been strengthen through the inflow of foreign direct investments are, telecommunication, information technology and other major areas like chemicals, apparels, auto components, jewelry and pharmaceuticals. There are high investments from Mauritius mainly due to the routing international funds through the country giving significant capital gain tax advantages; as tax will be treated between India and Mauritius so double taxation will be avoided. On the other hand Mauritius is capital gain tax heaven so there will be zero tax in FDI channel (Hoshi, Takeo, Anil, and David, 1991). FDI inflows into India reached a record $19.5 billion in fiscal year 2006-07 (April–March), according to the governments Secretariat for Industrial Assistance. This was double of US $7.8bn in the previous year. In 2008 FDI was more than $35bn. Government of India has created many incentives for the investors. The areas which need more relaxations were civil aviation, construction development, industrial parks, petroleum and natural gas, commodity exchanges, credit-information services and mining. Due to the foreign direct investment the economy of India is getting prosperous, economic growth is coming into effect. The potential to be an economic superpower is going to depend on how the government can create incentives for FDI flow across a large number of sectors in India. FDI is also hitting the country of Morocco with its affects. It is ranked among 4rth in foreign direct investment ranking, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Other 72 projec ts were also been approved in 2008 as statistics have shown. FDI increases the job opportunities to 40,023 which were direct and stable. Morocco is making many steps in making it clear destination for foreign direct investment which is really good for its economy and its people overall. Though there was a decline in foreign investment of 29% in 2008 due to the economic downturn but after then it will raised up to the level where it gets god image. The major investors of Morocco are European Union with France (1.86bln), Spain (783mln). Arab countries also invest in Morocco. In terms of sectors, tourism has the biggest share of investment with $1.55bln, which is 33% of the total FDI, followed by the real estate sector and the industrial sector, with respectively $930mln and $374mln (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). The best thing which is hit by foreign direct investment is the opportunity for the citizen of host country that is of employment and skills development. Through investment by companies of abroad business activity taken place in the country, more goods will be demanded so there will be more need of factors of production so that the demand will be meeting up. For this purpose more people will be employed by those companies and in return people enjoy good wages and higher living standards. Secondly to make the product internationally acceptable and of great quality many training programs are also been conducted which enhance the skills of the employees and their efficiency level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant. Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training. FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative adv antages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase. If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit (Harris and Ravenscraft, 2008). Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does not generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Froot and Stein, 1991). Foreign direct investment is basically the inflow of capital or investment from outside countries whether in shape of any kind of assistance or full operations like multinationals etc. foreign direct investment produce positive productivity effect on host countries. The main importance of this direct investment is that the adoption of the foreign technology, and gets to knew about many things through licensing agreements, imitation, employee trainings, process innovation, and link between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industrializes encourage foreign direct investment (Campa and Goldberg, 1995). It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as the most important source of external. Apart from exchange rates and GDP level inflow of foreign direct investment also effects your democratic government; like how they reshape their policies and incentives. Like if you investors are investing in your country they also will need some of the free hands incentives which will more attract them to invest. For this purpose the government of host country will be reshaping their policies somehow like low corporate and income tax rates, tax holidays will be given to them, special economic zones will be created, export processing zone will be come into existence, financial subsidies, infrastructure subsidies, RD supports and many other things to relax them so that they will invest more (Rodriguez, 1998). Besides all these foreign direct investment will be having great impact on GDP level. Local output will increase as more production of gods will be taken place. More production means that your country is having more number of commodities ever than before so real output is increasing means GDP level. Increase in GDP will surely have good effects on your economy. Economic growth will come into effect. More employment will be there and factor payments will lead to the multiplier effects which means more and more income generation and economy will reaches to its equilibrium level (Dewenter, 2008). Resource flows to developing countries over the 1990s and has become a significant Part of capital formation in the developing countries despite their share in global distribution of FDI continuing to remain small or even declining. The role of the foreign direct investment (FDI) has been widely recognized as a Growth-enhancing factor in the developing countries. The potential advantages of the FDI on the host economy are it promote the use and Exploitation of local raw materials, it enhances modern techniques of management and marketing, it eases the access to new technologies, hot capital inflow could be used for financing current account deficits, finance flows in form of FDI do not generate repayment of principal and interests (as opposed to external debt), it increases the stock of human capital via on the job training (Huang and Walkling, 1997). FDI allows you to access the use of raw materials of the host country which means that it will promote its usage, a country can get absolute and comparative advantages on the basis of it natural resources or any kind of material which can give it an edge. Secondly due to the foreign direct investment it is very sure that new technologies will be transfer to the host country and will make them more efficient and up to the international standards. Often multinationals carried out the training programs for the workers of host countries so in this case their expertise will be enhanced and their productivity will increase (Itagaki, 2000). If a country is facing current account deficit which means that its balance of payment position is worse and imports are higher than exports so here foreign direct investment plays an important role in financing your current account deficit. Hot inflow of money will offset your current account deficit with the flow of capital comes from outside countries in shape of inflow of foreign direct investment. That is how it affects your current account. The advantage of foreign direct investment is that it does nohat generate any interest payments or the return of principal amounts as opposed to the external debt. So in total foreign direct investment effect your GDP level, current account balance and your democratic government in different ways and mainly positive. Some negative effects of foreign direct investment are also here but that is depends on host government rules and regulations that how they strictly maintain the foreign direct investment into their favors (Craine, 1999). Economic growth may mean that we are using are scarce resources swiftly so that they can depleted. Oil, coal, metals other natural resources are in limited supply and can be run out if we use them so quickly. If they do run out then there can be no more capital goods, food supplies may diminish and the population of world may suffer but this can be control through conservation process. Conservation means that you saved up some amount of scarce resources for our future generation rather than consuming it all at once for present people so by it we can save for the upcoming people of the country (Klein and Rosengren, 1994). Foreign direct investment if comes in the country so that will be definitely mean that more and more factories will be opening in the host country or if it comes for the existing factories like extracting of some natural resources etc so that means expansion of those factories. More and more factories and business sites means that there is though more land is available to produce more goods and services but less for other activities like recreational activities or parks etc. these can also destroy the plants and animals. The solution to this problem is that government should restrict the areas where these factories can be located and only allow there to operate. Those areas should be keeping away from residential locations so that normal citizens should not get affected. Factories should be more on barren land and regions so that fertile lands and animals would not get affected too. Growth also comes with many benefits so government cannot stop it. The best thing in this situation go vernment tries to do is to achieve sustainable growth. Sustainable growth means that along with the foreign investment, which is coming into the country government should try to minimize the harmful effects and should maximize the benefits so that resources and further things can be secured for the upcoming generations too (Hartman, 1992). There are also some of the negative aspects of foreign direct investment. There are some issues which are related like operation, distribution of the profits made on the investment and the personnel.economic backward section is always get effected of the host country when foreign direct investment is negatively affected. It is the responsibility of the host country to limit the effect of the foreign direct investment. They should make sure that countries which are making foreign direct investments should abide all the laws relating to environmental, governance and social regulations that are laid down country. However there can be some negative effects of economic growth too, means higher and higher GDP can affect your economy and people in it in a different manner too. There can be an opportunity cost of growth; economic growth may achieved by producing more capital goods but at the expense of less consumer goods like television, fashionable clothes etc but this can be in short run as in long run people will be enjoying more and more consumer goods and higher living standards due to the sustainable growth which has been achieved (Baldwin and Krugman, 1999). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD This chapter explains the methodology used for this research study. This study focused on finding the factors affecting inflows of foreign direct investment in Pakistan. A method is a tool that can help solve problem and research new knowledge. This chapter also gives the methods to evaluate validity and reliability of the research for the factors associated with direct investment in Pakistan. 3.1. Data used: This research was carried out through Secondary Data. 3.2. Method of data collection: Data of Foreign Direct Investment and Real GDP is collected through State Bank of Pakistan, website and from Economic Survey of Pakistan and Data for Interbank exchange rate was collected through different websites like and 3.3. Sample size: Sample data of last 39 years is to be taken. Data has been taken from the year 3.4. Statistical tool used: In order to measure the relationship between the To Identify the relationship between Interbank Exchange Rate, Real GDP, and Dummy variable with Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Regression is used as a statistical tool in this research. SPSS software is used to evaluate the relationship between the variables. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1. H1: Inter Bank Exchange Rate has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.1.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable set will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.1.2 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -4011.980 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.1.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co-linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.1.4 From the above table the beta value of the exchange rate is -0.31 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the exchange rate and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.2. H2: Real GDP has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.2.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.2.2 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is 4243.439 means that there is a positive relationship exists among the real GDP and the FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.2.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.2.4 From the above table the beta value of the real GDP is -.438 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the real GDP and FDI therefore hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. 4.3. H3: Democratic Government has a positive impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in Pakistan. Table 4.3.1 The adjusted R Square value of the above table is 0.944 or 94.4% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the 94.4% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that there is a presence of the auto correlation in the data set lag generations or transformations would be resolve this issue. Table 4.3.2 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -17128.3 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/democratic government and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not rejected. The VIF values indicate that there is also a presence of multi co linearity in the data set. Table 4.3.3 For resolving the issues of autocorrelation and multi co linearity suitable transformations were applied on the data set in order to prepare the appropriate results. After applying the transformations the adjusted R Square value of the above table is -0.061 or -6.1% it means that the one unit change in the independent variable sets will bring out the -6.1% change in the variation of dependent variable. Form the above Durbin Watson value it seems that after the application of the transformation the problem of auto correlation in the data set has been resolved. Table 4.3.4 From the above table the beta value of the dummy variable/democratic government is -.107 means that there is a negative relationship exists among the dummy variable/exchange rate and FDI therefore, our null hypothesis is not accepted. After the application of transformations the problem of multi co linearity in the data set is also resolved. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion: There were number of positive and negative effects of this foreign direct investment. The positive effects of foreign direct investment are; the investment means that foreign currency is coming into Pakistan. Whenever any company may be multinational invested in this country in terms of direct investment it means that they invested their currency into the country. It increased the foreign exchange reserves which are good for host country as they can be used in payments of debts or any kind of imports etc. Secondly more goods and services have produced and which can be exported to outside countries; so more foreign exchange can be earns through it. Foreign direct investment directly linked with the economic development of the host country and it also give benefit to the base country as they can access raw materials, can avoid trade barriers, will be near to the markets, can take advantage of cheap labors and lack of rules in host countries. Due to benefits host countries and industria lizes encourage foreign direct investment. Foreign investment proved as very important for the developing countries. In poor nations it is proves as significant driver of development. FDI provides many of the developing countries with great benefits which helped them in achieving their economic growth. Through foreign direct investment there will be many things which are coming to the developing nations. There will be inflow of foreign capital and funds which you can term as hot money coming to country. This capital can be invested into your business sectors to make it more worthy and profitable. Secondly there will be transfer of skills and technical expertise as if their entrepreneurs will come into your country and combine all the factors of production so then after results will be greater and larger than before. New technologies in shape of new capital equipments and software which can make factories totally automated will lower all the average costs and make it more efficient that it ever can be. Besides all of these sometimes local firms can also be squeeze out of the market due to the inferior equipment and much smaller resources than the large giants with foreign investments. This is the work of government that how they reshape their policies to bring in foreign direct investment into your favor and not letting down the overall economic conditions. Profits which may earn here can also be sent back to the base country rather than kept for the re investment in the host nations. Some multinationals also impose their cultures in the people of the host country. To avoid all this state should interfere with all the consumer protection laws, unfair competition, laws for employee protection, environment protection and also of location of industry. 5.2 Discussion and implication: Apart from these things when foreign investment comes into the country so then means that new opportunities could be created for many other firms too like they supply components and other things to the companies who are operating over here and has invested which will generate more employment and income for the citizens. Local firms can also be motivated to bring their quality up to the international standards as if they are supplying components to the multinationals. This thing will improve their productivity and it is good for the country so foreign direct investment is very beneficial. Foreign direct investment will bring in investments and hot inflow of money and capital along with the tax revenues for the government even after some exemptions. Companies or individuals who operate in your country after investment will pay some taxes to the government too. Government can re invest those revenues in other sectors for the welfare of the general public like in health or education sectors etc. 5.3 Future research: For future research, there are many advantages of high GDP rate like people can have more goods and services to consume; it will raise their living standards, secondly excess goods can be exported to outside countries so that foreign exchange can be earn through it. Higher GDP will give good image to the country in terms of many things; more and more foreign investors will come with their investments. People will be earning more so they can afford more other goods to purchase and secondly more incomes means more taxation for the government which it can spend on many other projects like schooling, health, defense, crime control etc. growth should result in improved standards of living in the country and higher profitability for the business.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

lung cancer Essay -- essays research papers

Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women. There were an estimated 164,100 new cases of lung cancer and an estimated 156,900 deaths from lung cncer in the United States in 2000. The rate of lung cancer cases appears to be dropping among white and African-American men in the United States, while it continues to rise among both white and African-American women. There are two major types of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer is much more common. It usually spreads to different parts of the body more slowly than small cell lung cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma, ademocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma are three types of non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer also called oat cell cancer, accounts for about 20% of all lung cancer. Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, it might have been prevented -- 87% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are proven cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens. Smoking cigars or pipes also increases the risk of lung cancer. Many of the chemicals in tobacco smoke also affect the the nonsmoker inhaling the smoke, making "secondhand smoking" another important cause of lung cancer. It is responsible for approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths and as many as 62,000 deaths from heart disease a...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ice Hockey and Highly Effective Tool Essay

All die-hard hockey fans have their own opinion on if fighting should or should not be allowed in hockey. There are lots of different debates going on right now and many people are getting a say in what they think about fighting such as, former Boston Bruins coach, Don Cherry and NHL director of hockey operations, Colin Campbell who said that most fans like fighting and that right now it has its place in hockey. Fighting is also a huge part of the game for some very aggressive players so to take away fighting from hockey would to be taking away some of the players as well. Although, some people say that fighting sends a bad message to children it actually prevents more injuries then it causes. Actually, most people think that fighting is a way for players to release their anger during the game and it even keeps the skilled players out there from getting hurt because of the enforcers (fighters). Many people love to watch the game of hockey either to watch their favorite team play or their favorite player score the overtime winner but the one thing that boosts the excitement in every fan is a good solid drop of the gloves between two players. Although, fighting causes a five minute penalty for their actions, it is very exciting for the fans and is a highly effective tool for lots of teams. One of the National Hockey League’s (NHL) biggest and most exciting brawlers of this time is Colton Orr of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Orr and many other major fighters give fighting in hockey a entire new meaning from knocking someone out to pulling on hair, but either way most fans love to watch the exciting bouts between two rivals. Still to this day just as many exciting fights are take place today just as they were when the game of hockey started. Secondly, if the commissioners took fighting out of the National Hockey League they would be taking the risk of losing a major percentage of the US market. This would be a huge problem because there is a vast majority of people in the US who watch hockey and love it when a fight breaks out. This is a true fact because for example, the Philadelphia Flyers and Boston Bruins have a huge reputation for being two of the roughest, toughest teams out there. So, if fighting were to be taken out the NHL would also lose Boston and Philadelphia market which at this time is huge. If that were to happen they would lose a high majority of their ticket sales causing them to even shut down at some time. Thirdly, taking fighting completely out of hockey really won’t solve any problems for anyone; in fact it will probably make it even worse. By eliminating fighting this will just cause dirtier plays such as slew footing, slashing, spearing, hooking and many more forms of rough play which will make the eliminators of fighting think twice about what they had done. As well, if more forms of rough play began working its way into the league that could cause more injuries then fighting ever did alone. But, if they were to take out fighting out of hockey wouldn’t it be fair to take out all types of contact as well, but then what kind of sport would we be left with? And I thought Canadians were supposed to be the tough ones. Finally, many people are saying fighting can’t be taken out of hockey because for some teams picking a fight is a secret weapon for them. Fighting for some teams can be a highly effective tool for them when used right though. If, done right this can be very effective to intimidate a player and make him do dumb plays. For example, if you can get under a opponents skin and into his head they are going to be more focused on you then any part of the game and this can cause them to give up the puck and then there coach could make them miss some of the game. Or if one of your players gets hurt due to a big hit and you go after them it shows your willing can stand up for them and that they can’t mess with your team.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

5 Top Tips for Using Google Docs

5 Top Tips for Using Google Docs 5 Top Tips for Using Google Docs Google Docs is a free alternative to traditional word processors like Microsoft Word. But if you’re going to make the most of this app, you’ll need to know how it works. Check out our list of five great functions you can use while creating a document in Google Docs. 1. Use Version History to Track Changes Microsoft Word has a tool called Track Changes that lets you record edits made to a document. But Google Docs does this automatically, saving each new version of the document as you go. You can see the â€Å"version history† of your document by either: Going to File Version history See version history Using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H Viewing the version history in a document. This will open a menu with a list of the different versions of your document. Clicking one of these will show you the changes from the previous version. As well as letting you review edits, you can use this to restore older versions of a document. This can be especially useful if you have shared a document and someone else has made changes. And if you want to suggest changes without changing a document, you can use the Suggesting†¦ tool. Editing and viewing options. 2. Find and Replace Text You can access the basic search function in Google Docs via the shortcut Ctrl + F. This will let you find specific terms quickly, which is helpful if you’re editing a longer document. Alternatively, you can access the Find and replace†¦ tool by: Going to Edit Find and replace†¦ Using the shortcut Ctrl + H Searching a Google document. You can use this to quickly replace certain words or expressions. You can also use it to conduct advanced searches, such as matching the case of text. The Match using regular expressions option, meanwhile, allows you to use special commands to look for specific types of   text. 3. Leaving Comments As well as suggesting edits, Google Docs lets you comment on documents. You can do this by: Going to Insert Comment Using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + M You can then write a comment for yourself or other users. And you can respond to comments by clicking Reply†¦ You can even tag someone in a comment by typing a â€Å"+† sign followed by their email address, which can be very useful if you are co-editing a document with a colleague. A comment in Google Docs. 4. Adding Bookmarks In longer documents, you may want to quickly navigate between sections. To make this easy, all you need to do is add bookmarks in the relevant places: Place the cursor wherever you want a bookmark Go to Insert Bookmark in the menu system A bookmark in a Google document. This will create a visual marker on the page. If you click this marker, you’ll also see a Link option, which you can use to create a list of bookmarks (like a table of contents) for quick access. You can also use bookmark links to direct someone to a specific part of a Google document. 5. Sharing and Exporting Google Docs To share a Google document with someone else, all you need to do is: Click the Share button in the top right of the screen Enter the name(s) or email address(es) of the recipients Click the edit permissions button (i.e., the pencil icon) and select whether the recipients will be able to view, comment or edit the document Click Done to share the document Sharing a Google document. Alternatively, you can click the Share button and then click Get shareable link to copy a URL to your clipboard. Anyone you share this link with will then be able to access the document. You can also remove sharing permissions via the Advanced button in the bottom right of the sharing menu. Finally, you can also export a Google Doc and download it as another file type for printing or distribution. To do this: Go to File Download as†¦ Select a file type from the list (e.g., Microsoft Word document or PDF) Downloading a Google document. This will also let you share or edit the document via a different program.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Frontier of America

The Frontier of America The United States of America is a perfect name for the country. It is after all many states united. But to have states you must have land for those states. Before those stats become land they must be a frontier, or as defined by Webster's Dictionary, "A region that forms the margin of settled or developed territory." The United States has had a frontier of endless land, which has been settled throughout many years. The Frederick Jackson Turner thesis on the frontier states:Up to our own day American history has been in a large degreethe history of the colonization of the Great West.The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession,and the advance of American settlement westward explainAmerican development.Expansion of the United States can be traced from the first of those who settled in Jamestown. It all began with a simple idea, a faster route to India.This is a photograph of barges on the Mississippi ...Yet instead of going around Africa someone proposed to just sail west. Yet when these people sailed west they had not reached India. They found North America. They had made the first frontier of America, the colonial frontier. Other groups came to this vast land with its seeming endless frontier. This frontier had multiple challenges, such as Indians, survival, and means of trading for use in mercantilism. The Pilgrims, at Plymouth, followed the Jamestown adventurers. Later the Puritans settled into what today is Boston and Salem. The Frontier, which was ever expanding, and always existent in the United States, grew immensely after the revolutionary war. In the Treaty of Paris the United States received the area known as the North West Territory. It was from the Mississippi River to the present day boundary, which were the Appalachian Mountains as was stated in the Proclamation...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Identity and Representation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Identity and Representation - Essay Example Violent identity representation can also emanate from lack of awareness on personal identity that stresses on upholding of values and moral standards. For instance, I played soccer because it was the most popular sport among my friends. The relationship with my friends also made me rebellious. After enrolling in early education, my entire identity changed from being introverted and serene to notoriety and callous extroversion. My childhood was characterized by the development of friendships that did not last for long. My male status and Arabian origin warranted me the freedom necessary to play around and conflict with people. Although my behavior was unbecoming, I commanded respect and recognition among elder people owing to my dynamic identity and perceived sense of self. This fact made me feel that I did not belong to the group of naughty individuals all through my life. At the age of twelve the friends that I had inflicted enormous negative influence on me to a point of being rebe llious towards my parents. The new identity I acquired negatively affected my performance in school. It also made me develop disregard for the authorities resulting in occasional conflicts with the teachers. Most of my friends seemed attracted by my reckless behavior and encouraged me to be more notorious instead of rethinking my actions. Although I enjoyed such behaviors, my inner self did not approve of such behaviors making me to develop an epiphany. Communication within childhood groups was easy because the common language that most schools normally used was Arabic that everyone understood. However, uneasy moments arose when we had to use English when interacting with strangers or new group members. It was challenging to join other groups because one had to learn the tactics and practices of the new group as well as know the new group members. Understanding the diverse identities of many people is a challenge for everyone especially teenagers who have no experience in connecting.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Civil engineeringredevelopment of ratho stationedighburgh Essay

Civil engineeringredevelopment of ratho stationedighburgh - Essay Example Further, the redevelopment project of Ratho station would also be very helpful as it would be capable to support wider choice of tram services and also helps the occupants in the neighbourhood residential area (Edinburgh, n.d.). The entire landscape of the region is expected to be developed by upholding the rich heritage and natural assets in the region (Edinburgh, n.d). Further, necessary precautions are also given to ensure the occupational safety and health of passengers and the employees in the station. Maximum utilization of renewable energy and also using natural means to give maximum comfort conditions would be the core elements in the architectural plan. Providing the right orientation to enhance the heat gain, passive cooling means to reduce the load on HVAC systems are the few essential interventions planned in this exercise. Providing adequate open spaces that would create more comfort for the passengers are the other key concerns addressed in the planning process. The redevelopment project shall also communicate the philosophy of protection of ancient monuments and buildings besides conservation measures adopted at the heritage locations. BREEAM standards would be followed closely in an effort t o promote the sustainable re-development process of the station. In addition the Ratho station shall act as the focal point of generating local employment. Guidelines of BREEAM. BREEAM guidelines gives the proper direction for the sustainable development initiatives that could be adopted in the design of energy efficient and environmentally safe infrastructure components. The major emphasis given is in the design of cycle ways and pedestrian tracks. Strengthening public transport systems with less dependence on private transport are the important options for providing better living conditions. They also take proper attention for effective implementation of the proposed the travel plans like special cycle ride ways. The important design considerations that need to be incorporated in the design of station facilities are as follows As the energy conservation is one the top most priorities in the redevelopment process, all the lighting systems used would be of the high efficiency lighting systems or low energy consuming units. Further, all the signals and related units too would be converted or replaced in these lines. Conversion of the railway station at Ratho into as an energy producing station , such that station is capable of generating its own power is one of the design objectives. The piezoelectric systems that use the mechanical energy from the movement of gate to generate voltage could be implemented. The successful implementation of such type of systems are claimed by East Japan railway Company. Based on the volume of the passengers expected at the Ratho station it is estimated that atleast 1000kW per second could be generated from Ratho station (Schwartz, 2008). The use of energy efficient LED lamps could be used to indicate the tram arrivals at the station which could lead to considerable reduction in the electric bill (Irani,2006). Further, using systems that minimizes the water consumption by implementing water reuse systems to conserve the water used for